About Us
We were founded in the mid-1990s as the Network of Canine Detection Services. Our goal was to provide exceptional training to handlers and canines in the Canine Search and Rescue disciplines. We hope to ensure that the highest quality of instruction is affordable and accessible to the canine search and rescue community. We underwent significant changes in 2013, emerging as the National Network of Canine Detection Services, reinforcing our commitment to those who rely upon accessible and quality instruction throughout the country. We are registered as a non-profit organization in the state of Mississippi.
Board of Directors
President: Greg Cole - greg.cole05@gmail.com
Vice-President: Lisa Higgins - dlhiggy@bellsouth.net
2nd Vice President: DJ Beddow - finspectordj@gmail.com
Secretary: Robin Houston - mosar.624@gmail.com
Treasurer: Joe Cosenza - jcosenza1331@gmail.com
Sgt at Arms: Diana Bunch
Contact Us
For more information about NNCDS or its seminars, please email us at: jcosenza1331@gmail.com